The AppleWorks InitPack 2024 is a collection of (14) 'Inits' that add new built-in features to AppleWorks 5.1 on the Apple II series of computers.
1. FinderFileLoader - (I.FINDERFILELDR) - NEW May, 2024
- load up to 36 files at once into AppleWorks from the Apple IIgs Finder
2. CalendarMY - (I.CALENDARMY) - NEW May, 2024
- access a multi-year perpetual calendar from the Desktop Index menu
(unfinished feature disabled in original 1995 AppleWorks 5.1 release)
3. FileAuxTyper - (I.FILEAUXTYPE) - NEW May, 2024
- change both File Type and Aux Type in hex from the File Activities menu
4. MoreDTHelp - (I.MOREDTHELP) - NEW May, 2024
- Desktop Help menu now details over 2 dozen new shortcuts added in AppleWorks 4 and 5
5. WPStatus30 - (I.WPSTATUS30) - UPDATED July, 2017
- real-time file status, total lines and file type info on Word Processor REVIEW/ADD/CHANGE
6. WPSetSave20 - (I.WPSETSAVE20) - released July, 2017
- easily specify both the type of saved file (AWP vs. Text) and line ending characters
7. WPMerlinTab20 - (I.WPMERLINTAB20) - released July, 2017
- load Merlin Source Code files with proper tab ruler display
8. WPSaveMore20 - (I.WPSAVEMORE20) - released July, 2017
- save files as AWP, Apple Text, MS-DOS Text, Unix Text or Merlin Source
9. WPUnixLoad20 - (I.WPUNIXLOAD20) - released July, 2017
- properly load text files with Unix line enders (LF) into Word Processor
10. ShowPath - (I.SHOWPATH) - released December, 2015
- displays the current ProDOS pathname in all REVIEW/ADD/CHANGE screens
11. DBStatus - (I.DBSTATUS) - released December, 2015
- real-time file status info on Data Base REVIEW/ADD/CHANGE screen
12. SSStatus - (I.SSSTATUS) - released December, 2015
- real-time file status info on Spreadsheet REVIEW/ADD/CHANGE screen
13. MaxDesk - (I.MAXDESK) - released December, 2015
- eliminates diminished Desktop size when restarting AppleWorks under ProDOS 8
14. FinderLaunch - (I.FINDERLAUNCH) - released December, 2015
- eliminates a crash to monitor when restarting AppleWorks from the GS/OS Finder
Randy Brandt, a co-author of the AppleWorks program, introduced the concept of AppleWorks Inits in 1991 as an easy-to-use method of enhancing AppleWorks in any of the following (3) ways:
When the first version of the AppleWorks InitPack was released at the end of 2015, it had been over 15 years since any new inits had been publicly released for AppleWorks, even though Inits are a very powerful way to add new or modified features to AppleWorks.
I have included heavily commented source code in both Merlin and .pdf formats that should allow those so inclined to write their own inits for AppleWorks.
The (14) Inits in the AppleWorks InitPack 2024 fall under the first (2) categories of types of inits listed above, and either add new features to AppleWorks, or correct a longstanding issue, as follows:
The FinderFileLoader Init allows you to select and open any combination of up to 36 AppleWorks Word Processor (AWP/$1B), AppleWorks Data Base (ADB/$19), AppleWorks Spreadsheet (ASP/$1A) or TEXT (TXT/$04) files at one time from the GS/OS Finder and then automatically (i) launch the AppleWorks 5.1 application and (ii) add the selected files to the AppleWorks desktop for immediate use.
It is based on the AppleWorks 3/UltraMacros 3 task file 'FinderLaunch' (not to be confused with the 'FinderLaunch Init' which corrects an AppleWorks crashing problem) written by John L. Tegelaar and Ton W. van Santen of The Netherlands in 1991.
View/Download .pdf of the ReadMe file for the FinderFileLoader Init
View/Download .pdf of the Merlin Source Code for the FinderFileLoader Init
View/Download .pdf of the Source Code for its embedded Ultra 4 macros
View/Download .pdf of the Merlin Source Code for its called GS/OS MessageCenter routines
The CalendarMY Init allows access to a multi-year perpetual calendar from anywhere within AppleWorks via the Desktop Index menu. <oa-Q><oa-M>
In addition, the <oa-H> 'Print Screen' option is modified while inside the calendar to exclude headings and footings and include 0.00" left and right screen margins. This makes printouts and clipboard copies of the calendar much cleaner.
Randy Brandt had conceived and planned to include a built-in perpetual calendar when AppleWorks 5.1 was released in 1995, but since the feature was not finished in time to be included he disabled its <oa-Q><oa-M> shortcut and placed this teaser screen in the final release for folks to find on their own.
View/Download .pdf of Merlin Source Code for CalendarMY
The FileAuxTyper Init adds the ability to change both ProDOS file types and aux types in hex, as well as the ability to select from twenty (20) common ProDOS file types from the File Activities menu.
It also displays both the current and pending file type and aux type of selected file(s) in both the 3-character file type (e.g. AWP) and its hexadecimal representation (e.g. $1A).
While AppleWorks 5.x added the ability to change ProDOS file types, its code was essentially the same as that in Randy Brandt's TimeOut FileMaster application. FileMaster had no ability to specify file types in hex ($00-$FF), but rather required them to be in decimal (0-255). Moreover, FileMaster did not contain the ability to change ProDOS aux types at all.
View/Download .pdf of Merlin Source Code for FileAuxTyper
The MoreDTHelp Init adds explanations for over 2 dozen new shortcuts added in AppleWorks 4 and 5.
When the new keystroke combinations were added in AppleWorks 4 and 5, the Desktop Help menu from AppleWorks 3 was not updated to reflect them. This init corrects that deficiency, including showing the shortcuts to display the new Multi-Year Perpetual Calendar and also to receive a personal 'Easter Egg' message from Randy Brandt and Dan Verkade.
View/Download .pdf of Merlin Source Code for MoreDTHelp
The WPStatus30 Init adds (3) new features to the AppleWorks 5.1 Word Processor:
A 'New' or 'Changed' File is indicated by the appearance of the Mousetext Black Diamond Character (◆) in place of the normal Colon Character (:) after the word 'File' on the top line of the Display.
In reference to the screen shot above, the file 'TimeOut Huddle' contains a total of 132 lines.
The total number of lines is dynamically updated and displayed on the top line as lines are either added or deleted from the document. This provides a convenient indicator of not only the length of the document, but also by comparing with the current line number displayed on the bottom line, an indicator of how far into the document the current line is.
[AWP] - Standard AppleWorks Word Processor File
[TXT] - Standard Apple Text File {CR Line Enders}
[DOS] - Standard MS-DOS/Windows Text File {CR + LF Line Enders}
[NIX] - Standard Unix Text File {LF Line Enders}
[MLN] - Merlin Source Code Text File {High ASCII / <TAB> = $A0 / <SPACE> = $20}
View/Download .pdf of Merlin Source Code for WPStatus30
When working in the OA-N 'Change Filename' command dialog in the Word Processor REVIEW/ADD/CHANGE Window, The WPSetSave20 Init adds the ability to specify both the type of saved file (AWP vs. Text) and, in the case of Text files, the type of line ending characters and High/Low ASCII, as follows:
[AWP] - Standard AppleWorks Word Processor File
[TXT] - Standard Apple Text File {CR Line Enders}
[DOS] - Standard MS-DOS/Windows Text File {CR + LF Line Enders}
[NIX] - Standard Unix Text File {LF Line Enders}
[MLN] - Merlin Source Code Text File {High ASCII / <TAB> = $A0 / <SPACE> = $20}
After providing the opportunity to change the name of the file via the <OA-N> key sequence, pressing <OA-Return> presents a horizontal menu allowing the selection of the desired save type.
The type of file will then be displayed after the REVIEW/ADD/CHANGE in top line of Display (provided the WPStatus30 Init is also installed).
Note that this new feature may be used to convert files between formats by loading the file as its native type and then saving it with a different type.
For example, Merlin Source Code files destined for use with Brutal Deluxe's Merlin32 assembler for Unix, Windows and Mac OS X may be loaded in their native Apple II format and then saved with the Low ASCII characters and Unix line enders (LF) that Merlin32 requires.
View/Download .pdf of Merlin Source Code for WPSetSave20
When loading Merlin Source Code Files possessing both a ProDOS File Type of 'TXT'/$04 AND ending in '.S' into the Word Processor, the WPMerlinTab20 Init edits the default <TAB> ruler for the file and sets the <TAB> stops at columns #15, #22 and #39 to present a display similar to that of the Merlin Editor.
View/Download .pdf of Merlin Source Code for WPMerlinTab20
When saving Word Processor files as TEXT files, the WPSaveMore20 Init does (3) things:
View/Download .pdf of Merlin Source Code for WPSaveMore20
When loading Text Files with UNIX-style line enders (LF only), this Init properly interprets the LF characters for use by the AppleWorks word processor.
Otherwise, Unix text files will load all as one long line.
It also sets the 'UNIX' flag within AppleWorks so that subsequent saves of the file will use the LF character as the line ender (provided the 'WPSaveMore20' init is also installed and active).
View/Download .pdf of Merlin Source Code for WPUnixLoad20
The ShowPath Init displays the current ProDOS pathname in the REVIEW/ADD/CHANGE screens of all (3) AppleWorks modules.
In reference to the screen shot above, the pathname '/ZIP.1/APPLEWORKS.5/' is shown on the bottom line of the display in the space normally used by the 'Type entry or use OA commands' phrase.
View/Download .pdf of Merlin Source Code for ShowPath
The DBStatus Init adds a real time file status indicator to the Data Base REVIEW/ADD/CHANGE Window.
A 'New' or 'Changed' File is indicated by the appearance of the Mousetext Black Diamond Character (◆) in place of the normal Colon Character (:) after the word 'File' on the top line of the Display.
View/Download .pdf of Merlin Source Code for DBStatus
The SSStatus Init adds a real time file status indicator to the Spreadsheet REVIEW/ADD/CHANGE Window.
A 'New' or 'Changed' File is indicated by the appearance of the Mousetext Black Diamond Character (◆) in place of the normal Colon Character (:) after the word 'File' on the top line of the Display.
View/Download .pdf of Merlin Source Code for SSStatus
When quitting AppleWorks running under ProDOS 8 on the Apple IIGS, the MaxDesk Init properly disposes of the memory allocated by the Apple IIGS Memory Manager to the AppleWorks Desktop so that restarting AppleWorks in a single session does not result in a diminished Desktop size (an approximately 230kB reduction).
View/Download .pdf of Merlin Source Code for MaxDesk
The FinderLaunch Init prevents a crash to the Monitor when AppleWorks is re-launched from the GS/OS Finder after previously launching and quitting in a single session.
While not all IIGS users suffer a crash upon re-launch from the Finder, those who have multiple ongoing interrupt processes (e.g. Twilight II, AppleTalk, UltraMacros) often do. This Init incorporates into AppleWorks the same technique used by the late Glen Bredon in his PS.16.TO.8 from ProSEL 16 when launching ProDOS 8 programs from GS/OS.
View/Download .pdf of Merlin Source Code for FinderLaunch
Inits are easy to install as they simply are copied into the AW.INITS subdirectory within the main AppleWorks directory. The init will always run when AppleWorks is launched, provided that you have activated the InitManager (option 5) in the AppleWorks 'Standard Settings' menu.
SPECIAL NOTE: If you are currently using the older 'I.WPSTATUS24' init, delete it before installing its replacement 'I.WPSTATUS30', in the AW.INITS subdirectory.
To uninstall an init, merely delete it from the AW.INITS subdirectory and restart AppleWorks. That's all.
Do not be concerned about the presence of an init designed to correct an issue specific to the Apple IIGS computer if you are instead using an Apple IIe or IIc, or are running under Deja IIx on the Mac. The inits are intelligent enough to determine both the AppleWorks version # and also the machine on which they are running. If the specific requirements for an init are not met, the primary working code in the init is skipped by AppleWorks.
If you have any questions about any of this, or suggestions for improvements or for new inits, please post them in comp.sys.apple2 with the subject 'AppleWorks InitPack'. This will allow for idea exchange and improvements.
Pre-KansasFest 2024 Release - May, 2024
1. FinderFileLoader - (I.FINDERFILELDR) [Version 1.4]
2. CalendarMY - (I.CALENDARMY) [Version 5.2]
3. FileAuxTyper - (I.FILEAUXTYPE) [Version 5.1]
4. MoreDTHelp - (I.MOREDTHELP) [Version 5.2]
KansasFest 2017 Release - July 17, 2017
1. WPStatus30 - (I.WPSTATUS30) [Version 3.0]
2. WPSetSave20 - (I.WPSETSAVE20) [Version 2.0]
3. WPMerlinTab20 - (I.MERLINTAB20) [Version 2.0]
4. WPSaveMore20 - (I.WPSAVEMORE20) [Version 2.0]
5. WPUnixLoad20 - (I.UNIXLOAD20) [Version 2.0]
First Public Release - December 20, 2015
1. WPStatus24 - (I.WPSTATUS24) [Version 2.4] {replaced by I.WPSTATUS30}
2. DBStatus - (I.DBSTATUS) [Version 2.3] {still current}
3. SSStatus - (I.SSSTATUS) [Version 2.3] {still current}
4. ShowPath - (I.SHOWPATH) [Version 1.0] {still current}
5. MaxDesk - (I.MAXDESK) [Version 1.0] {still current}
6. FinderLaunch - (I.FINDERLAUNCH) [Version 1.0] {still current}
I have toyed with several ideas, one of which is an Init for the SpreadSheet that will allow designating individual cells to print in BOLD. We'll see.
If there is something that you would like to see, please either pass it on, or perhaps write it yourself and share it.
After Randy Brandt introduced the concept of inits, his JEM Software offered 'InitKit' to all registered JEM Init Developers ($75.00). It was billed as a developer's kit for the AppleWorks Init Manager and Segment Patch Manager. Unfortunately, I never envisioned at the time becoming as enamored with AppleWorks as I eventually did, and so I never became a registered developer, nor have I known anyone who had.
As a result of my inaction, I must express my thanks to Ewen Wannop for his excellent GS/OS desktop disassembly program 'BrkDown', which provided me with a powerful and yet easy to use tool to understand and to document the inner workings of the AppleWorks Init Manager, Segment Patch Manager and of several init files.
I am also grateful for the work of Christian Serreau, who detailed some of the inner workings of the AppleWorks Init system in his articles published in the diskzine, 'The AppleWorks Gazette'.
Armed with this knowledge, I was prepared to write these Inits which I hope you find as useful as I do.
Download either an archived (ShrinkIt) '.shk' file, or a ProDOS disk image '.po' file.
Either will contain not only the (14) AppleWorks Inits, but also a 'ReadMe' file and the assembler source code for all the inits in Merlin format.
Download AppleWorks InitPack 2024 (ShrinkIt Archive)
Download AppleWorks InitPack 2024 (ProDOS disk image)
TimeOut Edit BASIC, released in 2019, allows the direct loading, viewing and editing of AppleSoft BASIC programs from within the AppleWorks 5.1 Word Processor.
See it here:
TimeOut Edit BASIC for AppleWorks 5.1
See the Home Page for other AppleWorks and Apple II related items, as well as software for MacOS / Mac OS X from both Hugh Hood and Mark Lim that enables one better to interact with Apple II content, disk images and archives:
The AppleWorks InitPack and its source code are Copyrighted Freeware, and may be freely distributed and posted elsewhere without charge or other permission.